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BRDO launches rolling review of the public procurement market in construction

Experts of the BRDO’s Construction sector have started working on reviewing the public procurement market.

One of the main problems in this market is the risk of unreasonable undervaluing of services (for example, design works) by unscrupulous tenderers. Organizations intentionally undervalue design services to become a winner, and as a result, this affects the project quality. Such cases are not unusual while being a kind of corrupt schemes.

Frequent violations are the intentional filling out of tender documents for specific contractors or taking the previous experience of cooperation of a customer and a tenderer into account in non-price criteria.

These are the problems that almost all market participants faced with. That is why the BRDO is conducting an analysis of the regulatory environment of public procurement in construction to identify them and propose solutions. You can join the process by sending a description of real cases to [email protected]. The answers provided will be used when developing the Green Paper.