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The Cabinet of Ministers approved a resolution that will provide Ukraine with 4 positions in the Doing Business rating

The Cabinet of Ministers approved a decision that will reduce the regulatory burden on businesses, increase the investment attractiveness of the country and help Ukraine to improve its position in the Doing Business rating, in which we currently rank 76th.

“DoingBusiness has long been a kind of KPI for governments in developing countries and for Ukraine as well. Our country has shown positive dynamics in this rating over the past 5 years. This year we planned to achieve significant progress and even rank among the TOP-50 through the adoption of the draft law No.8124 that was expected to make things easier for small and medium-sized businesses. However, the erkhovna Rada did not have time to consider it, so now we should keep the previously acquired positions. The resolution approved by the Government will allow Ukraine to hope for getting +4 positions in the rating and can help us rank among the TOP-10 in terms of the “construction” component,” the BRDO Head Oleksiy Honcharuk said.

The resolution developed by the BRDO and the Ministry of Economy provides for:

  • excluding spare parts for cars that do not meet the criteria of military goods from the procedures of state control over such goods. That is, they will not be burdened with bureaucratic procedures when crossing the customs border (by the way, this is a turnover of more than $400 million);
  • simplifying the construction of CC1 consequence class facilities. Today, their number amounts to 60% of all facilities under construction;
  • providing the automatic collection of statistical information on real estate transactions. Such information will not require the necessity to submit any reporting, but will automatically form the rights to real estate due to the register software;
  • excluding the possibility of performing architectural activities by persons who do not have a specialized higher education;
  • the possibility to identify a location of construction facilities by their cadastral numbers. Earlier, before starting construction works, a real estate developer should receive a construction address, the necessity of which was justified in no way.

You can obtain additional information and comments in a timely manner:

Tetyana Kovryga, +38 050 68-99-328, [email protected]