During 2016-2021, BRDO was a part of the EU's flagship business support project EU4Business-FORBIZ. Since August 2021, BRDO has been implementing the project "Better regulation reform and improved policymaking process through increased role of civil society” supported by the European Union.
Through the Competitive Economy Program in Ukraine (CEP), USAID supported BRDO in Inspection Reform (2020) and in the development of the Business Assistant (2019-2020). Also, thanks to the USAID-funded project ISAR Ednannia, BRDO was assessed externally in terms of the organization's development level and is now working on improving its internal policies and procedures.
With the support of the USAID / UK aid Transparency and Accountability in Public Administration and Services (TAPAS) Activity, a number of initiatives have been implemented: research on the use and impact of open data, research on the functioning of government registries, the third phase of development of the Pilot module of the Integrated Automated System of State Supervision (Control). Today, BRDO provides analytical and legal support for the development of the Single Environmental Platform “EcoSystem”. As of now, the cooperation within the TAPAS project is completed.
The Digital Transformation Activity (DTA) is a five-year, $150 million program dedicated to enhancing Ukraine's digital capabilities and building resilient systems for a secure, prosperous future. With the support from USAID and UK Dev, within the scope of the activity BRDO implements a number of initiatives, including: the development of a Unified information and communication system for the State Service of Ukraine on Food Safety and Consumer Protection, the development of a system for the digitalization of the fishing industry eFish, the digital transformation of the forestry sector, the digitalization of the issuance of technical conditions for joining engineering networks, support for the Data+ communication platform, the expansion of the Unified state electronic system of permit documents (ePermit), simplification of export-import procedures through digital transformation of public services and registers, Science city (introduction of a separate legal regime for conducting scientific and innovative activities).
With the support of the Embassy of Switzerland in Ukraine implemented through the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), BRDO conducted the first (2019-2020) and is now conducting the second (2021-2022) study of anti-corruption and economic potential of public e-services. BRDO also provides legal support in the process of drafting Law of Ukraine on the characteristic of the provision of electronic public services (within the project of the Eastern Europe Foundation EGAP). And within the framework of the Swiss-Ukrainian project DECIDE "Decentralization to improve democratic education" BRDO is working on debureaucratization and digitalization of education management since 2021.
With the support of the World Bank, since 2019 BRDO has been working on analytical researh and reforms in the areas of access to geospatial data, introduction of an address register, and counteraction to raiding.
In 2019, with the support of the European Commission, BRDO conducted a study on the implementation of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU on telecommunications services.
In 2019-2020, BRDO conducted a study "Development of inter-institutional dialogue to form a government vision for the implementation of mechanisms and tools to stimulate enterprises to energy efficiency."
With the support of this institution, BRDO implemented the project "Support to the Government of Ukraine in assessing the impact of policies to improve development of laws and policies" within the program Good Governance Fund (GGF) in 2019.
With the Government of the Netherlands support, in 2017-2018 BRDO implemented the project "Open Spatial Planning" and completed the second phase of development of the Pilot module of the Integrated Automated System of State Supervision (Control).
WHO has supported BRDO's initiatives in reforming professional licensing of doctors and supporting the Ministry of Health in conducting regulatory impact analysis in 2018-2019.