
A share contribution brings only 24 thousand UAH per year in most cities

Who benefits from share contributions in Ukraine? 11% of cities receive 60% of share contributions of investors to the development of city infrastructure. And 741 million hryvnias are concentrated among other 30 thousand settlements, that is, an average of 24 thousand UAH for each of them. How much can a city make having 24 thousand UAH?

Moreover, share contributions increase the cost of any construction by 10% for investors. Simple math shows that charges from investors just restrict the possibilities of a community to attract an investor, create new jobs and attract taxes to the budget.

What is more important to us: a tactical one-time collection of charges with hand-controlled calculations? Or the settlement’s strategic development and a good investment image of the country in the world investment market? We will have to make a choice, and it is desirable to do it as soon as possible.