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The Government approved 5 important decisions for business

On July 18, the Cabinet of Ministers approved a number of important decisions to simplify the business environment developed by the MEDT together with the BRDO Office as part of the “deregulation day”.

One of the main decisions approved is aimed at facilitating access to infrastructure for telecom operators. Pursuant to its decision, the Cabinet of Ministers removed discriminatory and non-transparent conditions that hampered the development of the telecommunications market. Due to this, millions of Ukrainians will be able to connect to the broadband Internet. It’s about 14 million users – from 5 to 19 million.

We are in the 21st century, and Internet coverage is critically important for the country . Living in an analogue world today is the same as lighting with a kerosene lamp or taking a horse to work. Our IT and Telecom sector together with professional associations developed rules for granting access to the infrastructure of electricity generation facilities, transport facilities, home distribution networks and construction facilities. We thank the Cabinet of Ministers for their support ,” the BRDO Head Oleksiy Honcharuk said.

Another important decision was to create conditions to reduce the number of refusals for registering in the StateGeoCadastre. Earlier, the number of refusals to register in the State Land Cadastre amounted to 197.5 thousand, including 134.5 thousand refusals to register land plots in the State Land Cadastre, during the year. The solution offered by the BRDO Office and supported by the Government is:

  • Specifying grounds for refusal
  • Introducing a preliminary review of electronic documents
  • Online monitoring of the processing status of all types of applications to the State Land Cadastre

This will reduce the number of refusals by 100 thousand, up to 2% of the total amount per year. and it will provide 56.6 million UAH of business savings per year. From now on, every citizen of Ukraine will be able to get extracts from the State Land Cadastre online.

The ministers also supported the simplification of the employment procedure for foreigners. Previously, to obtain a residence permit, State Migration Service officers required from foreigners to leave Ukraine and return after obtaining a work permit. In this case, it was possible to leave and return through the territory of any country, and there was no need to obtain any additional documents. From now on, the possibility to refuse issuing a residence permit on the grounds that the date of entry into Ukraine is prior to the date of obtaining a work permit is canceled. Ukraine will become more open to skilled foreign specialists, and the burden on the State Migration Service will be reduced.

Moreover, the Government canceled the requirement to keep work record cards for representatives of foreign legal entities. Now companies will be able register and maintain work record cards of their representatives by their own. This will allow them to save money, while employees of their representative offices will  have immediate access to their work record cards.

In addition, 22 obsolete and irrelevant acts were abolished. These are types of economic activity, which are not subject to licensing in accordance with the Laws on Licensing. This will reduce the regulatory pressure on businesses and abuses by government officials as well as improve the investment climate in Ukraine.