
The Cabinet of Ministers has simplified access to geological information

The Cabinet of Ministers simplified access to state-owned geological information. Soon, it will be easy to find the necessary geological information, as it will be available online.

What would be the point?

Firstly, information about the private geodata will be included into the Geological Information Catalogue.

Secondly, anyone, and first and foremost, a potential investor will be able to see the information on a land plot in a few clicks. This is another step towards holding transparent subsoil auctions, as online access will simplify preparations for auctions for investors significantly.

Third, it will reduce the monopoly of officials on access to information and facilitate the interaction between subsoil users.

In addition, from now on, private companies do not need to receive an approval from the state to sell their own geoinformation. All it will take is to inform it.

In such a way, business owners will spend less time and money, while making more investments and creating more jobs.

We hope the State Service of Geology and Mineral Resources of Ukraine and the State Scientific and Production Enterprise “Geoinform Ukraine” will quickly implement these changes in life.