
Two large companies dealing with cryptocurrencies supported a draft Concept on virtual assets

In Finland, elementary school students study the programming. California, Israel, China and Germany are already testing self-driving cars. Probably, it’s time for Ukraine to focus on innovations.

The cryptocurrency-hryvnia trading volumes amount to $2 million per day on main exchanges. The Ukrainian mining segment is $100 million per year. ICO projects with Ukrainian founders/teams produced more than $100 million in 2017-2018.

And all these volumes exist amid legal uncertainties and constant problems with banking services. The BRDO Office prepared a Concept of state policy on virtual assets to improve the situation.

We hope that the document will be submitted to the Cabinet of Ministers within a month. But we are increasingly optimistic about the future. The draft Concept was supported by two major companies:

  • Bitfury, which is the largest company in the world providing a full range of services in blockchain technologies
  • Hotmine, which is the first company in Ukraine that officially keeps track of bitcoins in accounting.

And the Ministry of Justice provided an official opinion that the document complied with Ukrainian laws.

We ask the Government for support and keep our fingers crossed!