
Public consultations on the introduction of professional licensing of doctors began

The health care reform implementation involves changing the system of access to the medical profession and introducing fundamentally new rules along with regulatory control.

On April 11, the first public consultation on the introduction of licensing of doctors was held in Kyiv. More than 40 doctors, representatives of professional associations and administrators of health care facilities participated in the discussion. Such an honest discussion of changes proposed for implementation was positively received by the professional community.

In June 2018, the Ministry of Health of Ukraine proposed a draft Concept of professional licensing of doctors in Ukraine for public discussion. The proposed solutions involve replacing subjective and bureaucratic components of professional certification of doctors with a transparent licensing system. Instead of numerous corruption risks and abuses of administrative resources, there should be a clear and simple system based on compliance with the requirements for continuous professional development, good medical practice standards and patient rights.

Public consultation participants supported the proposal that the principles of access to the medical profession should be established at the legislative level. The selection of a Licensing Board as a body that will decide to grant, extend or revoke licenses, was extensively discussed.

Proposals and comments on key issues related to the introduction of professional licensing of doctors received during public consultations will be taken into account when drafting the relevant law.

The next public consultation will be held in Lviv on April 23. It is also planned to hold consultations in Uzhhorod, Rivne, Vinnytsia, Sumy, Kharkiv, Dnipro, Cherkassy and Odessa. Physicians from all villages, settlements, cities and communities of Ukraine can participate in discussions.

More detailed information on consultations is available at

Public consultations are conducted by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine together with the Better Regulation Delivery Office with the assistance of the NDI Ukraine and the Institute “Respublica” and supported by the Government of the United Kingdom and the Good Governance Fund (GGF).