
Improvement of the procedure for keeping military records and acquiring the status of a combatant: the Parliament adopted a law developed with the participation of BRDO

Digitization of military registers: in the second reading, a draft law on improving the procedure for keeping military records and acquiring the status of a participant in hostilities during the period of martial law, developed with the participation of BRDO experts, was adopted.

What was the problem?

The unified state register of conscripts, conscripts and reservists is intended for digital military record keeping, collection and processing of information necessary for effective mobilization and recruiting. The effective functioning of the register was hampered by the lack of necessary legislative prerequisites for information interactions to collect such data.

Also, before the adoption of the draft law, there was no transparent, effective and convenient mechanism for obtaining the status of a participant in hostilities during the period of martial law in the areas of hostilities or in temporarily occupied territories.

The law was developed with the aim of streamlining individual legal norms in terms of:

  • legal regulation of information processing with limited access in the systems of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine;
  • implementation and approval of relevant security profiles;
  • proper information interaction of the Unified State Register of conscripts, conscripts and reservists with other information and communication systems and registers;
  • introduction of an effective mechanism for granting the status of a participant in hostilities during the period of martial law for certain categories of persons in an electronic (automatic) mode.

What does the law provide for?

  1. development and approval of basic security profiles, as well as development and approval by the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine of industry and/or target security profiles for relevant information, electronic communication and information and communication systems, in accordance with the procedure established by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine;
  2. ensuring digitalization of the process of granting the status of a participant in hostilities during the period of martial law for the relevant category of persons;
  3. clarification of the list of information processed in the Unified State Register of conscripts, conscripts and reservists and improvement of information interaction with other information and communication systems, registers for obtaining such information;
  4. creation of an electronic cabinet for keeping personal records of conscripts, military conscripts and reservists, in order to ensure digitization of the process of keeping such personal records.

The adoption of the law creates conditions for ensuring the appropriate level of social protection of servicemen and their family members.

It is also expected to improve the process of determining the status and ensuring the protection of the rights of persons who participated in hostilities. Its implementation will contribute to the restoration and development of society, as well as strengthening the state’s defense capabilities.

Also, the Law, among other things, will make it possible to clarify the powers of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine and the Armed Forces of Ukraine regarding the processing of information in the sphere of their competence during the period of the legal regime of martial law, as well as the powers of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine and the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine regarding the implementation of measures to prepare the state for repelling military aggression in cyberspace (cyber defense).