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Business risk rating


A risk-oriented approach to business inspections conducted by the state is based on the simple truth – it is impossible to inspect everything! Although, by the way, the activity of our state often looks like a heroic attempt to deny this axiom. Moreover, it is not only impossible to inspect all enterprises, but it is also not necessary! Otherwise, a huge amount of resources will be spent in vain without obtaining the expected useful effect.

Consequently, the most important task of each inspection body is to determine the most risky enterprises within its control scope. How does it work now? The CMU approves the risk assessment criteria, on the basis of which business entities are included in one of three groups: of high, medium or low risk. However, it often happens that, for example, 1,000 enterprises are classified as high-risk enterprises, but the relevant inspection body has available resources, which are sufficient to inspect only half of them in a given year. The question is what 500 enterprises of the designated thousand entities “will be lucky” to be included in the annual plan of inspections? In the existing coordinate system, the answer is obvious – a well-known “manual” mode is in use.

What does the BRDO offer? Each inspection body should develop the risk assessment criteria based on a point-rating system in its control area. In this case, each enterprise will get a certain amount of points, after which it will be possible to make a rating (list) of all enterprises in the relevant area. And those who got more points will rank higher in the rating. So, in our example, 500 enterprises will be selected from the top of the rating starting from the first position. We are currently working on relevant legislative changes.

As an additional bonus of this system, it will be possible to quickly find out the level of risk generated by a particular enterprise, since the rating should be available online.