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The Government approved the action plan for the implementation of the Self-Regulation Concept

On August 29, the Government approved the action plan for the implementation of the Concept of Self-Regulation in Ukraine developed by the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade together with BRDO experts.

24 self-regulatory organizations, many of which are now the fake ones, may lose their status. Instead, dozens of other associations that have sufficient institutional capabilities to become SROs, but do not have relevant provisions in special laws will be able to obtain this status due to the new law.

The new law on self-regulation, the development of which is envisaged by the plan, implies the new rules, according to which the business, the state and consumers will exist.

* Should a self-regulatory organization be formed from scratch? Or can an existing association become a SRO?

* Is it possible to allow only one SRO to be created for a certain type of activity? How many it should be?

* Can there be a self-regulatory organization that does not fulfill market regulation functions delegated by the state?

* How to prevent the transformation of SROs into an alternative center of corruption?

These and other aspects should be explained in the law that is being developed. To ensure that self-regulation does not remain a fiction and has a push for development in modern realities, we invite representatives of business and professional associations to work together on the institutionalization of self-regulation in Ukraine.