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#PRODialogue in Sumy: On August 22 – the roundtable “How to achieve a balance in the energy- and gas supply market”

On August 22, the roundtable devoted to the improvement of regulation in the electricity- and gas supply market will be held in the Sumy Regional State Administration.

The BRDO Office will present a White Paper on areas of optimization of the retail electricity market regulation developed as a result of a comprehensive analysis of market issues based on the Green Paper, its submission to public consultations with market participants and taking into account positions of regulatory bodies, businesses and the public.

The White Paper includes proposals that will allow to ensure the fastest reform of the retail electricity market in order to provide the maximum consumer empowerment, maximize the efficiency of regulation of the non-competitive sector and create the basis for applying a comprehensive and systematic approach when developing the secondary legislation to the Law “On Electricity Market”.

The event will be attended by:

  • Mykola Klochko, the Head of Sumy Regional State Administration
  • Dmytro Zhyvytsky, the Head of Sumy Regional State Administration apparatus
  • Oleksiy Orzhel, the Head of the Energy Sector, the Better Regulation Delivery Office (presentation of the White Paper)
  • Roman Hurchenko – the Chairman of the Board of the Association of co-owners of apartment buildings “Sumschyna”
  • Ihor Dyrbavka – the Chairman of the Board of the PJSC “Sumyoblenergo”
  • Oleksiy Parkhomchuk – the representative of the NGO “Housing expert”
  • Konstyantyn Tatsky – the Chairman of the Board of the PJSC “Sumygaz”

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Venue: Sumy Regional State Administration Office (Sumy, Nezalezhnosti sq., 2)

Time: 11:00 – 13:00, August 22, 2017

For more information, please contact us by phone:

(0542) 611078, (095) 8390187 – Roman V. Bezus, the specialist in the management of the housing and utility sector, energy saving and fuel and energy complex of the Regional State Administration.