The resumption of crediting and risk reduction for business will make Ukraine more attractive to investors. The head of the Better Regulation Delivery Office (BRDO) Oleksiy Honcharuk said that on the air of 5 Kanal TV channel on January 20.
According to him, Ukraine is currently in the process of liberalizing the state policy, favorable conditions for business development are created. However, the country will be able to realize its intellectual and resource investment potential only if there is effective regulation.
“Ukraine has less rules for business than Europe. Therefore, business has more freedom,” he said.
Also there is a transparency process among the positive changes for business: Ukraine opens up a significant amount of non-public information. For example, the information on access to the mineral resources was made public last year. First of all, it is referred to the publication of the report of the Ukrainian Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI).
However, despite these positive trends, there is still a problem with crediting in Ukraine. Therefore, the BRDO together with the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine is working out a package of draft laws for February, which provided for measures aimed at the resumption of crediting and the risk reduction.
As a reminder, these measures are provided as part of the Doing Business 2016 roadmap.