
Price regulation of land surveying should be cancelled

Imagine: in the 2000s, Ukraine introduces price regulation of land survey works. You are an investor who enters into an agreement to develop a land allocation plan for 153 UAH. Yes, your heard it correctly. How many works can be performed for such a funny amount of money? Not many. Therefore, you should pay some lion’s share of money out of the contract actually by using shadow calculations. Who suffered from this? That’s right, the state budget suffered. And it still suffers, because the situation has not changed much since the 2000s.

In order to move away from the shadow schemes that involved customers of works and contractors, the Ministry of Economic Development together with the BRDO Office proposed to amend the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No.1548 of 1996.

But a complete cessation of price regulation of land surveying is possible if the Law of Ukraine “On the Protection of Constitutional Rights of Citizens to Land” will cease to be in force. Don’t be misled by its patriotic name. This law intensified the shadow payment schemes for land allocation in 2005. At the moment, this law is so outdated that it is impossible to be implemented, but it still confuses citizens regarding prices for land survey works and involves them into shadow schemes.