On April 25, 2017, the first regional roundtable “Moving towards businesses: simplifying the market access” with the participation of Valentyn Reznichenko, the Head of Dnipropetrovsk Regional State Administration, Joshua Badakh, the representative of EU4Business / FORBIZ in Ukraine, Oleksiy Honcharuk, the Head of the Better Regulation Delivery Office (BRDO), Valeriy Prokopets, the Head of Department on Business Development and Regulatory Policy of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine, and Oleksandr Riznyk, the representative of the State Regulatory Service will be held in Dnipro.
A huge number of existing regulatory barriers, outdated rules and restrictions make it difficult for entrepreneurs to access the market and do not allow to realize the business potential.
What regulatory decisions should be taken to make market access conditions clear and understandable? How to establish a constructive dialogue between the government and businesses?
The goal of the roundtable is to find answers, analyze the regulatory framework and procedural problems and identify effective tools to improve the regulatory environment in cooperation with government officials, businesses, experts and the public. During the roundtable, it is planned to present the BRDO’s analytical study on this subject – the Green Paper “Market access restrictions” that was also presented for discussion in Kyiv in early April.
This event launches a regional concept of the Public Dialogue between the government and businesses to improve the quality of the business climate in Ukraine in terms of 18 key markets in 6 sectors.
The Ministry of Economic Development and Trade together with the State Regulatory Service initiated public consultations as an integral part of the regulatory reform to make rules for business effective and clear, and the process of their adoption – transparent and public. The independent analytical center BRDO is engaged in analyzing the existing regulatory environment and preparing proposals to implement the best practices and standards of effective solutions, which take into account the interests of Ukrainian businesses, in the regulatory decisions. The European Union provides support to the process through the FORBIZ project as part of the EU4Business initiative. More details on the initiative – click here.
The Roundtable program is available here.
! Pre-registration is required. Please confirm your participation till April 24, 2017 by using the registration form at the Platform for Effective Regulation regulation.gov.ua or by phone 063 440 47 07.
Accreditation of media representatives – till 18.00 on April 24, 2017 by calling at 099 256 59 56.
Place and time: Dnipro, the Dnipropetrovsk Regional State Administration (1, Oleksandra Polya Avenue), 10.00 – 12.00.
Your opinion is important! Join the discussion – together we will create simple and friendly solutions for business.