The transport sector is one of the biggest sources of pollution and greenhouse gas emissions – not only in Ukraine, but also in Europe. The Ukrainian situation is aggravated by the fact that a large part of commercial and private vehicles is outdated and negatively affects the environment, as well as the health of urban residents. This especially applies to used vehicles, which at one time were brought to Ukraine in an uncontrolled manner. In order to improve the situation in the transport sector, a comprehensive transport policy is needed. What such a policy should include and how it should correlate with the European Green Deal? To answer those questions, BRDO analysts published the new Green paper “Implementation of the European Green Deal in Transport Sector and Forming Sustainable Mobility”.
Today, Ukrainian transport is responsible for about 10% of all greenhouse gas emissions, although in 2018 the share of oil consumption in the sector was 71% of the total consumption in Ukraine. Over the past three decades, the composition of emissions has changed significantly. The share of emissions from automotive vehicles increased the most. In 2017, road emissions accounted for more than 70% of all transport emissions, making it the most important issue for the future of transport policy. The situation is similar to the ratio of greenhouse gas emissions by types of transport in the EU.
“The transport policy for Ukraine should be developed in such a way as to provide new types of transport for citizens and improve their quality of life. Politics must be socially just, accessible to citizens and politically feasible. For example, in the context of sustainable development, the low level of motorisation in Ukraine should be seen as an advantage that helps avoid the creation of a car-oriented mobility system. Accordingly, it is important to provide alternative forms of transport, especially in cities, modernise urban transport and popularize active forms of individual mobility, such as cycling. In our Green paper, we propose to develop an integrated strategy that combines all types of transport and prescribes detailed changes in each direction,” said Oleksii Dorogan, CEO of BRDO.
The Green paper, developed by BRDO, contains an analysis of the European Green Deal and an action plan for its implementation in Europe, as well as an analysis of the compliance of Ukraine’s state policy with the principles of the Green Deal and opportunities for decarbonization of various types of domestic transport.The Green paper is available at (in Ukrainian).