Implementation period
February-July 2021
Key stakeholders
Ukrainian children and their parents, teachers, educators and education managers on local, regional, and national levels
Project objective
Development of new processes that are significantly reducing the bureaucratic burden on educational institutions and changing the approach to obtaining and processing data by institutions and education management bodies, including digitization of the main document circulation and reporting flows.
Key project stages
1. Analytics: conducting an audit of documents created in the course of activity, analysis of the global experience of regulating the interaction of general secondary education institutions with state and local self-government bodies, analysis of global practices of digitalization of business processes in general secondary education institutions.
2. Research: development of content for conducting focus groups on the study of reporting processes and document flow, participation in the development of the content of sociological research questionnaires regarding the decentralization of education management in Ukraine.
3. Development of proposals: development of recommendations regarding the debureaucratization of general secondary education management processes and procedures at various levels, optimization of interaction of the general secondary education institutions with state authorities and local self-government bodies, including by digitizing such processes and procedures.
4. Legal drafting: development of the necessary changes to legislation.
5. Next steps & supervision: determination of the main criteria for evaluating the digitization of bureaucratic processes in educational institutions for further monitoring of the dynamics of these indicators.
Project description
Expert and advisory support for data analysis and business processes aimed at digitalization and optimization of document flow and reporting in educational management.
To ensure the implementation of these developments, a package of changes to the current legal acts was also prepared. Among other things, during the project, a number of problematic issues were identified that must be resolved in order to implement changes in the bureaucratic processes of educational institutions.
The project covered:
1. Preparation of analytical note with an overview of the current situation, containing practical recommendations for debureaucratization of general secondary education management processes and procedures at various levels. Organization of interaction of general secondary education institutions with state authorities and local self-government bodies, including by digitizing such processes and procedures.
2. Development of projects for changes to normative legal acts, including an updated and comprehensive list of documents provided to secondary education institutions.
3. Development of technical requirements for the modernization of the AICOM system in terms of digitization of the main document circulation and reporting flows.
4. Optimization of the time spent on keeping documentation by the heads of general secondary education institutions and teachers. Formation of a system of criteria and indicators that allow tracking the dynamics of changes when applying different approaches to document management in educational institutions.