On February 23, the Verkhovna Rada registered a draft law abolishing 18 permits and licenses for tour operator activities developed by the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade together with Better Regulation Delivery Office (BRDO) experts.
The draft Law “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine regarding reducing the number of permits including by promoting a declarative (registration, application) principle” is registered under #4131.
According to BRDO experts, the adoption of this draft law will simplify entrepreneurs’ activities and save more than 200 million hryvnias business annually spends on official and unofficial payments for getting different permits.
The document proposes to abolish permits, the necessity of getting which is not being justified with public health care, environmental or other essential interests of the state. However, only some of mentioned permits are abolished. In the rest of cases (10 documents), license procedures will be replaced with declarations. With the help of declarations, the state will get necessary information and will be able to carry out the current control over business activities without creating bureaucratic barriers for starting such activities.
There are licenses for tour operator activities, certificates of assigning a hotel category, quarantine permits (for import and transit) and others among the abolished permits.
Certificates of valuation activities, approvals for alienation or transfer of national monuments to their owner’s possession, permits for alternative medicine practice, permits for keeping wild animals and others are transformed into declarations.