
June 19: Securing the Integrity and Resilience of Ukraine’s Financial System

The Centre for Financial Crime and Security Studies (CFCS) at RUSI and the Ukraine-based think tank Better Regulation Delivery Office (BRDO) are delighted to invite you to a half-day conference on Securing the Integrity and Resilience of Ukraine’s Financial System.

As discussions on the funding of Ukraine’s reconstruction continue, this event, to be held on the margins of the Ukraine Recovery Conference (URC) that will be co-hosted in London by the UK government in June, will address an issue that is currently absent from the wider URC agenda and discussions related to reconstruction – namely, the importance of integrity and resilience in the Ukrainian financial system to combat potential corruption-related money laundering.

This is the latest activity of RUSI’s Project SMURF, funded by the National Endowment for Democracy, through which the CFCS engages with government, private sector and civil society partners in Ukraine on the importance of integrity and resilience in the Ukrainian financial system.

Agenda and registration available here: