
Army+ — paperwork minus: The Ministry of Defence presented new mobile application for the military

On August 8, the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine presented a new application Army+, which aims to digitize services for military personnel. It is an important step in the introduction of digitalization in the army to make the service more efficient and significantly reduce the amount of paperwork.

According to a survey conducted by the Ministry of Defence among nearly 64,000 service members from various units, it was the electronic reports that the military most wanted to have in a digital and convenient format. 

“Excessive paperwork that slows down the efficiency and quality of service is one of the most frequent complaints I hear from the military. Efficiency and quality help us to hold our own in the war against the Russians. I believe that Army+ and the digitalization of the army, in general, will significantly strengthen these components. We are grateful to the Centre for Scaling Technological Solutions under the General Staff of the Armed Forces for creating the concept, developing and implementing the application,” said Rustem Umerov, Minister of Defence of Ukraine.

There are 11 types of reports available in Army+, grouped into four types: “For leave”, “For assistance”, “Referral” and “Issuance of a referral”. The reports can be submitted in a few minutes, and step-by-step tips will help you avoid mistakes when filling them out. Reports can be sent for signature using the Army ID option, a unique ID number for service members.

The BRDO team participated in the development of a set of already implemented legislative changes, in particular, draft law No. 10062 on the digitalization of the army, which included the creation of the Army+ application, and also helped to support the launch of the application. 

“Army+ is not only a big step in the digitalization of the army, but also a demonstration of a human attitude towards our defenders. The people who risk their lives for our freedom should not have to fill out papers by hand, stand in lines, or travel long distances to sign a report. We will continue to introduce even more services for the comfort of our military,” said Kateryna Chernohorenko, Deputy Minister of Defence of Ukraine for Digital Development. 

Another feature of the first version of the app is professional surveys for different groups of military personnel. It will allow the state to learn the opinion of servicemen on any issue, and the military themselves to influence real changes in the Ukrainian Defence Forces with their voices.

In the future, Army+ will become an ecosystem of products for the military. New features will be added to the app, which will be announced on the official pages of Army+ and the Ministry of Defence. Army+ is a state mobile application created by the military for the military. The app was created by the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine in cooperation with the military personnel of the Centre for Scaling Technological Solutions under the General Staff of the Armed Forces. Only active military personnel have access to Army+.