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BRDO signed a multilateral memorandum on cooperation in electronic communications

The Better Regulation Delivery Office signed a memorandum on cooperation between the Ministry of Digital Transformation, the relevant committee of the Verkhovna Rada, the NCCIR, telecom associations and the Huawei Ukraine Company.

Thanks to it, we are consolidating our efforts to develop broadband electronic communications networks, address the digital divide and provide high-quality Internet throughout Ukraine.

One of the next steps provided for by the document is to review the physical availability of connection to broadband networks for consumers across the country. First of all, in educational institutions, health care facilities, local authorities and local self-government agencies.

Based on such a comprehensive study, we will determine the principles of providing the entire country with quality Internet and will achieve this goal step by step. In addition, a working group that will coordinate the development and adoption of the necessary regulatory framework with other CEBs and the market will be set up under the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine.

We believe that we will be able to show the first tangible progress made within a year. Reducing the digital divide means ensuring that our citizens have equal access to capabilities of modern technology regardless of their place of residence.