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ERP system for state control

In today’s world, it’s hard to imagine a business, except for the smallest one, which does not use accounting software to account for activities. Moreover, today ERP systems, that is, enterprise resource planning systems, which allow to automate not only the processing of performance data, but also primary business processes, grow in popularity.

For many large and medium-sized companies, the implementation of ERP solutions has long been not just a competitive advantage, but an important prerequisite to maintain their market positions. Without them, company managers and owners do not have adequate information about the state of business and can not make the most effective management decisions.

Similar problems are also urgent for the area of state control. Without having a possibility to get information on political realities and policy implementation online, civil servants and citizens do not understand what exactly the state is controlling, which benefits the public have from state inspections of business entities and which risks are minimized through the state intervention. Accordingly, the policies related to the inspection system are formed at random and based on intuition, rather than by using a well-targeted analytical approach. Citizens are deprived of the opportunity to receive relevant information allowing to assess the quality of state activities in a few clicks.

It is plain to see that there is a need to develop a fully functional ERP system for state control. In alternative reality, such a system should have been implemented by the state at least 10 years ago. However, the political will to digitalization of the inspection system appeared only in 2016. In 2017, the BRDO team created a pilot module IAS (Integrated Automated System of State Control) – a prototype of the future full-featured online system of state control measures.

Even now, the IAS has a good functionality, and in a few years, it will transform into a powerful information and analytical platform that will implement the most important principle of the functioning of the adequate ERP system – all important data is entered into the database once in a place of creation of relevant information and becomes immediately available to users.

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