
The agricultural and land relations Committee of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine recommended the draft law №5448-d to the second reading in Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

On 21.06.2018, the agricultural and land relations Committee of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine recommended the draft law №5448-d “On main principles and demands of organic production, turnover and labelling of organic products” to the second reading in Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

Better regulation delivery Office took part in refinement of draft law №5448-d, which shall become “National organic standard” and implement into national legislation of Ukraine the demands of EU Regulations № 834/2007, 889/2008, 1235/2008.

With the proposals of BRDO: the mechanism of official controls over organic sector was improved; accreditation of certification bodies and their responsibility for non-fulfillment of delegated capacity was improved; export and import of organic products were detailed.

After adopting the draft law and all bylaws the first organic producer may be certified under Ukrainian legislation.