
How to avoid being affected by inspectors: life hack #2

Just said good-bye to one inspector, and another one is knocking at the door? Are your workers distracted from their duties to assist in the inspection for several months a year in general? Is there an inspector from another inspection agency requiring a workplace to be set up in your company on a regular basis? Does it sound familiar? Then you should know about…

Inspection life hack #2. Comprehensive inspections

If an enterprise is included into the inspection plans of several state supervision (control) bodies for the same year, according to the current legislation, this is the basis to conduct a comprehensive inspection.

What does it mean? Planned inspections of such state supervision (control) bodies should be conducted simultaneously and for a limited period of time – no more than ten working days for large and medium-sized enterprises. It is not allowed to carry out this activity for more than 5 working days for small and micro enterprises.

You can find all comprehensive inspections approved by the SRS for 2018 here.

If, in addition to carrying out a comprehensive inspection, another state supervision (control) agency, which “forgot” to inform the SRS about its planned inspection and therefore it was not included in the plan of comprehensive state supervision (control)  measures for the current year, intends to inspect you, you have the right not to allow it.

However, this rule does not apply to all bodies, but only to those one subject to the Law of Ukraine “On Basic Principles of State Supervision (Control) in the Sphere of Economic Activity”. The list of government bodies, which will conduct comprehensive inspections in 2018 and, of course, for which this rule is compulsory, is available here.

The State Fiscal Service is included into this list.

Please also note that comprehensive inspections are only planned state supervision (control) measures. Unplanned inspections are carried out on a case-by-case basis.