
We invite participants of building metal structures market to take part in the survey

The market of metal structures is a backbone of industry and construction. We start to review it together with the Ministry of Regional Development, Construction and Housing and Communal Services to make its regulatory environment more effective and friendly for businesses.

As part of this process, the Better Regulation Delivery Office invites all participants of the building metal structures market to take part in the survey to assess the implementation of the state regulatory policy in this market and the impact of regulation on the business development.

The analysis of responses will help to get a real attitude of the business environment toward the regulation of the building metal structures market, analyze the adequacy and reasonability of existing regulations in terms of business and prepare proposals on simplifying the business rules for the building metal structures market (including by reforming procedures, abolishing an excessive number of permits, reviewing permit/license terms, etc.).   

This survey is conducted within the framework of the Working Group on the Rolling review of regulation at the Ministry of Regional Development, Construction and Housing and Communal Services.   

To take into account the position of the business community when developing new rules of the market regulation, we offer to answer the questionnaire by following this link
The BRDO Office will prepare the recommendations from businesses that will be sent to the regulator for public discussion decisions development.