
Ministry of Economic Trade and SRS approved new method of regulatory acts review

The Vice-Prime Minister of Ukraine Stepan Kubiv and the Head of State Regulatory Service Ksenia Lyapina approved the Methodological recommendations on the providing the first stage of systemic review of regulatory acts that take into account the best international practices and previous domestic experience.

According to the Methodological recommendations, the first stage of review will provide the inventory of regulatory framework. Particularly, the review of acts, tasks, tools and markets in every sector. It will allow to form a list of regulations that don’t comply with principles of the regulatory policy for their further quality assessment and efficiency measurement.

After the inventory process is completed, the public plan of systemic review of regulations in the related economic spheres will be approved. The process will take place with the active participation of businesses and the public.

Systemic review is an element of the Concept of effective regulation which was approved yesterday at the meeting of the National Council of Reforms.