
Will it be possible for businesses to evaluate state inspectors?

It is important for businesses to collect feedbacks on the quality of goods and services from consumers. It is an incentive to constantly improve, provide better employees’ performance and get a larger number of positive feedbacks. If some business doesn’t do this, it will simply close. Is the state interested in the “customers” opinion regarding the quality of its services? With some minor exceptions, it is not. The BRDO Office is going to change this approach as part of the inspection reform we are currently implementing.

The first step is to supplement the unified inspection act with new columns filled by entrepreneurs. Why is this important? First, the business that will be inspected should have a chance to assess the burdensomeness of each of legislative requirement, under which it is inspected. The ancient I Hear Everyone concept has to work fine! Of course, the assessment of a certain requirement as a burdensome one by business entities does not mean that this requirement will be changed or cancelled because of this. The task is to collect a huge array of data, the analysis of which will allow to identify the problem areas of the current legal regulation.

Secondly, entrepreneurs should have an opportunity to easily give a mark (from 1 to 10) to the quality of state inspector’s work according to two criteria: integrity and professional competence. For example, a low rating of an official’s performance will not lead to disciplinary measures. In many cases, an entrepreneur’s assessment will be subjective, but it gives invaluable materials for analysis.

And the last important question, for which we do not have a ready answer: how to organize the assessment of the quality of state control measures by another interested party – consumers of goods and services. Do you have any ideas how to do this? Write in comments!