
The electronic system of permit documents ePermit was launched

On 18 September, the Unified State Electronic System of Permit Documents (ePermit) was officially launched, allowing entrepreneurs to obtain licences and other permits in electronic form. The system was presented during the event “Economic Policy of Ukraine: Recovery During the War” held by the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine in Kyiv on 16 September 2024. The ePermit project is funded by the European Union under the EU4DigitalUA project, implemented by FIIAPP.

The first service is already available in the system – registration of the declaration of compliance of the material and technical base with the requirements of labour protection legislation It is part of the comprehensive e-Entrepreneur service available on the Diia portal, which was developed and continues to be scaled up with EU financial support under the EU4DigitalUA and DT4UA projects. Within the framework of these projects, the E-Governance Academy supported the development of this service, as well as its promotion together with FIIAPP.

The team of the Better Regulation Delivery Office was also involved in the implementation of this service. Due to the work of the ePermit system, the process of filing declarations will be automated. The system will monitor the completeness of the information: it will indicate if any of the fields are not filled in, or it will automatically accept the declaration if all fields are filled in correctly. 

Why is this important

  • there is no longer a need to fill out paper applications, just use the Diia portal;
  • the check is carried out using ePermit, and if the risk level is determined to be low, permits are issued automatically;
  • ePermit interacts with the electronic information and communication systems of government agencies, so entrepreneurs will not be required to submit documents that are already there.

The ePermit system was created to convert the procedures for issuing permits for business into electronic form.

As part of the first stage of ePermit, the Ministry of Economy plans to digitise the receipt of the most popular business services, including licences for veterinary practice, preschool education, and business activities in the field of circulation of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and precursors.

And already in October, the ePermit will allow to obtain a Conclusion on the extension of the deadlines for settlements for export and import operations. 

The ePermit project is implemented by the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine in partnership with the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine funded by the European Union under the EU4DigitalUA project, implemented by FIIAPP. 

The project is also supported by DT4UA, which implements the E-Governance Academy. Advisory support for the development of regulations for the system is provided by the EU4Business: SME Policies and Institutions Support (SMEPIS) project implemented by Ecorys in a consortium with GIZ, BRDO and Civitta with the financial support of the European Union. The Digital Transformation Support Project with support from USAID and UK Dev provides a full cycle of ePermit implementation. The implementing partner is the BRDO.