Implementation period
October 2021 - May 2022
Key stakeholders
Teachers, educators and education managers on local, regional, and national levels.
Project objective
The ultimate goal of the project is to develop a working prototype of new registers that will collect and store data sets on participants in the educational process based on verified personal data necessary for the operation of the educational sector. The project also aims to establish electronic interaction between external educational information systems and the central AICOM database to ensure the introduction of electronic record keeping in educational institutions and the conversion of 100% of statistical reporting of educational institutions into electronic form, which will automate and de-bureaucratize management processes in education, and make it possible to formulate and plan public policy more effectively on the basis of reliable data.
Key project stages
1. Legal basis: legal drafting and development of supporting documentation to ensure and support digitalization & data operation in the field of Education by means of the “AICOM” hardware and software complex.
2. Technical basis: development of technical requirements for the modules of the “AICOM” hardware and software complex.
Project description
The measures included into this part of the project “Debureaucratization of education management” aimed at changing the general approach to working with data in the field of education, especially in the part of processes that concern preschool and general secondary education institutions and their participants in the educational process, namely: almost 30 thousand schools and kindergartens, 6 million children and their parents, 1 million teachers and educators.
Within the project implementation process, the team ensured that:
- Working prototypes of new modules of the AIKOM for accounting of educational institutions and accounting of education recipients were designed and tested.
- A description of the developed ecosystem of information solutions in the field of education has been prepared.
- The technical requirements for the development of three new modules of “AICOM” hardware and software complex have been developed.
- The Law of Ukraine “On Amendments to Some Laws of Ukraine on the Functioning of AICOM” were accepted
- The requirements for new reporting forms based on the AIKOM software and hardware complex for the abandonment of paper reporting forms for pre-school, general secondary, out-of-school and vocational education institutions are described
- Seven new digital processes have been developed and implemented, including the transfer of students between classes, updating academic year data, updating medical records, expelling students during the year, updating data on the educational institution, displaying network data, and displaying data on the institution’s population. Following negotiations with the Ministry of Digital Transformation, these new functionalities have been included in the current development plan and will be made available for testing during this stage of the project.
It should be noted that the development of these digital processes is part of a project aimed at modernisation hardware and software complex called AIKOM, with the goal of streamlining the educational institution’s accounting process and ensuring that educational data is properly recorded and stored in a digital format.