Deregulation based on business cases
In the summer of 2020, BRDO experts proposed a new approach to deregulation based on business cases that implies reviewing the regulation of certain business types with further simplification of the rules of the game for entrepreneurs.
As a result of the review, the proposals for regulation changes are discussed with business environment representatives by conducting an online survey called “Hunting for Bureaucracy” (#RedTapeChallenge).
Business feedback helps BRDO experts develop relevant proposals to improve the business environment for certain sectors.

Beauty salons
The survey resulted in the proposal to simplify regulation and:
- the drafting of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers “On Amendments to the Draft Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of May 16, 1994, #313 “On Approval of the Rules of Consumer services” regarding the cancellation of outdated rules for customer service providers;
- the drafting of the Order of the Ministry of Health “On Amendments to the State Sanitary Rules and Standards for Hairdressing Salons of Different Types Regarding the Cancellation of Annex 1 on Mandatory Requirements for the Hairdressing Premises Area” (approved State Sanitary Rules and Standards registration #22 of 25/03/1999)

The survey resulted in the proposal to simplify regulation and drafting of the Draft Law of Ukraine “On Amendments to the Law of Ukraine “On Physical Culture and Sports” Regarding the Regulation of Activities of Fitness Centers”.

Service stations
The survey resulted in the proposal to simplify regulation and drafting of the rules for obtaining a permit from state road administrations regarding production activities on the roads along with the provision of technical assistance until their adoption.

The survey resulted in the proposal to simplify the regulation of such aspects as: …