
Regional Doing Business

Rating methodology 

The Regional Doing Business is based on the adapted World Bank’s methodology. 

The rating assesses six areas of interaction between entrepreneurs and government authorities, namely:

Starting a business 

Land plot registration

Obtaining construction permits

Paying local taxes 

Getting electricity 

Electronic services

The results of the rating are based on data from 1,754 questionnaires of respondents from the private sector of 24 regional centers of Ukraine and the city of Kyiv. 

The main evaluation criteria under each component were “money” and “time” spent on formal procedures, as well as the number of “visits” to state/local authorities. 

The overall rating is defined by the sum of points scored by a regional center in each of the six components. The maximum number of points that each regional center may obtain in each component is 100 points. The total possible score is 600. 

Go to the rating website