
Almost 100 state building regulations (DBN) have been digitized

DBN is a regulatory document that defines the requirements for the construction of all possible options for facilities. 97 digitized DBN and changes to them were uploaded to the Single State Electronic System in the Field of Construction.

This is about 8 thousand pages of text, which are now available in digital format.

Why is this important?

For a long time, DBN were not available in electronic format, which created a number of inconveniences and problems for developers of project documentation, expert organizations, construction customers and, in general, for most representatives of the urban planning industry.

For example, it was impossible to search documents and copy text from them because computer systems could not read it. It was very difficult to track changes, so developers of project documentation often made mistakes because they did not know whether they were using the latest version of the document.

With the creation of the Single E-system in Construction, the process of digitizing state building regulations and uploading them to the E-system portal began. The main sets were already available for work in a convenient format, and now all DBNs are posted on the portal in the “Registers” / “Legislative and regulatory acts” section.

The portal stores information both about the current document and about the changes that were approved to it, which makes it easy to see what exactly has changed in the new edition.

The team of the Ministry of Communities, Territorial Development, and Infrastructure of Ukraine will continue its work on improving the display of information about DBNs on the E-system portal for the maximum convenience of users.

Digitization of all state building regulations was carried out in cooperation with the Integrated Urban Development in Ukraine II project, which is implemented by the German government company Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH and is financed by the Governments of Germany and Switzerland.

The Single State Electronic System in the Field of Construction was developed by the Ministry of Communities and Territorial Development in cooperation with the Ministry of Digital Transformation with the support of the USAID/UK aid project “Transparency and Accountability in Public Administration and Services/TAPAS”. The team of the BRDO participated in the development of the legislative acts on the implementation of the E-system of construction.